- Bridgett and Siobhan (Sarah Michelle Gellar) are twins, they haven't seen each other in 6 years
- Bridgett is in witness protection for witnessing a murder committed by some crime boss guy. Bridgett is a recovering addict and used to be a stripper.
- Siobhan is wealthy and refined seems to have everything, she writes to Bridgett asking her to visit.
- Bridgett escapes witness protection custody, not quite sure why she does, I'm assuming she was scared to testify, and her sister finally wants to see her again, so she heads out to meet Siobhan at her weekend house in the hamptons.
- Siobhan revels that no one in her life knows she has a twin, they have a brief moment of sadness over someone named Sean, which we find out later was Siobhan's son and Bridgett had something to do with his death which is why they haven't spoken in 6 years.
- Siobhan and Bridgett go for a boat ride, Bridgett falls asleep and when she wakes up Siobhan is gone, having committed suicide.
- Bridgett is obviously heartbroken, but sees this as her way out and assumes Siobhan's life.
- Bridgett soon realizes that Siobhan's life wasn't as perfect as she thought, her husband barely speaks to her, and Siobhan was having an affair with her best friend's husband. She also finds out that Siobhan was pregnant, and Siobhan's husband over hears Bridgett get the call. Since everyone assumes Bridgett is Siobhan, Bridgett now has to pretend she's pregnant.
- Bridgett gets a call to meet her friend (Siobhan's friend) at an apartment they are remodeling and she goes. It's a trap someone tries to kill her, but Bridgett kills them with a gun she stole from the witness protection dude.
- We then flash to Paris, where we see the real Siobhan, who is not dead. She receives a call from someone that says something like, 'we have a problem', implying that Siobhan was involved in the attack on Bridgett.
The End.
So overall, was an ok start, I'm glad to see SMG back on TV, I think I will at least give this a 4 episode watch and keep the recaps on here. So what'd you think? Will you keep watching?